January 7th marked the first meeting on the Gregorian Calendar for the beginning of our year of Power and Higher Consciousness. We have had and expect to have challenges from negative energies and forces whose sole goal is to try and prevent us from moving forward. However, just try and stop a tsunami; you couldn’t if you tried, and that’s what our positive energy is like. But, instead of wiping out everyone and everything like a tsunami, we are picking up and supporting everyone and everything to bring them all to light and safety and firm ground, and we are doing this with love.
Below is a copy of the email sent out for the Conference and the second notice sent out as a reminder. Here is also a link to the proactive response entitled “May Your Hearts Be Encouraged”. It was written in response to someone who I thought was a friend and moved with the same heart, mind, and spirit – and for whom I, without pay, spent many hours working and trying to help effectively organize his tribe – but who has chosen to bad-mouth and try to discredit what we are doing for our people and all of humanity. I feel very sorry for this individual and leave him in the hands of The Most High!
You can listen to the recording here.